Wednesday, December 17, 2008


This week's show wasn't actually very good. I've become entirely dependent on sean for fetching things and filling talk time. I feel overcome with the same sloth that defeated me when Spellcheck was first invented. and then again when they started canning chick peas in brine and i didn't have to soak them overnight anymore. i don't even know where i would start if i had to soak my chickpeas again. Sean you get back here you little Rat Face.

Now join me as a I list the series of events traversed in my journey to christmas-spirit restoration:
  • i lost my wallet on the bus. shit.
  • i called the bus depot and they had it, complete with the $1200 paycheck that was in it. yay!
  • my boots don't keep water out. i have been elected mayor of WetSocksville, MA. shit.
  • my roommate kate made turkey and i ate it. then we drank wine and made apple crumble and watched the muppet christmas carol (FEATURING BEAKER & HONEYDEW). yay!
  • the little old man who found my wallet left me a merry xmas note with a phone #. i called and wished him happy holidays. HOW CUTE. yay!
  • i listened to a lounge-y remix of hercules and love affair's blind that made me want to vomit a little onto the white vinyl kidney-shaped couch i'd have to be sitting on for that remix to be played in the first place. shit.
  • i found the MY!GAY!HUSBAND! remix of THE MUPPET SHOW THEME SONG!! merry christmas hypemachine! yay!
and now here we are and i just want to hug everybody. hope you like the show. one of the first tracks is a santogold track called icarus that i'm really really excited about.

Beaker and Honeydew is now on hiatus until the new year. everybody have a safe and wonderful holiday and we'll see you at 5 pm on THE FIRST TOOZDIE OF 2009!!!


December 16th show

Santogold - Icarus
Muppet Feme Tune - Remixed by MY!GAY!HUSBAND!

Passion Pit - Sleepyhead (Wallpaper. Dio Remix)
LCD Soundsystem - Someone Great (Wintergloves Cover )


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Table for two for Misty? M-I-S-T-Y.

holy shit i slept in. gross.

you know when you KNOW you should go to sleep beca
use you've only got 6 hrs til you have to wake up but just can't make the last 50 yard dash into Actually Sleeping? Blech. I had one of those last night. i always look at the clock and panic like OHHHH CRAP NOW I"M DOWN TO 4 AND A HALF HRS. AND NOW I"M DOWN TO JUST 4. WHAT THE FUXX BODY, JUST GO TO SLEEP and that just gets me stressed and aggro, further propagating the insomnia. in the words of a wise poet, i guess i'm a hazard to myself.

to save my cuddly reader/listenership from having to go through a similar experience, i have composed a list of all of the insomnia home remedies that I tried last night and scored them on a scale of 1 to 5 asterisks. proceed.

  1. deep breathing. ** comments: doesn't really do much.
  2. mark undergrad labs. ** comments: more aggro. i'm going to puke if i ever hear "chymotrypsin" again.
  3. go smoke a cigarette so fast you give yourself a head rush. * comments: this COULD work....but you can easily mistake headrush for tiredness only to find that once your head clears you're still wide awake and now you smell like cigarettes in bed.
  4. listen to the entire xiu xiu album on loop. softly. *** comments: just make sure you uncheck save me save me. dope track but it'll jar you out of whatever piss puddle of shallow slumber you may have managed to semi-immerse yourself in.
  5. listen to for emma forever ago on loop. ** comments: great. still pissed off that i can't sleep AND i'm heartbroken/depressed/going to jump out the window while my wrists bleed out.
    ily bon <3
  6. warm milk and honey. **** comments: (1) if the stove element starts smoking when you go to boil the milk, you should probably just use the microwave. it's loud at 4 am but not as loud as the smoke detector. (b) if you're having trouble sleeping because you're bloated/gassy/have indigestion, maybe swap the milk for an equivalent quantity of tums.
  7. get your bf/gf to rub your back/belly. **** comments: drawback - you need a bf/gf. one that will wake up to rub your back when you can't sleep. BAHAHAH. why not throw in a unicorn and a dragon too for good measure.

    (sidebar) awesome unicorn and dragon comixx courtesy of SMBC!

  8. praying. ************ comments: ily jc <3
And that's how i finally got to sleep. K tune in, sean's back. also, look at my new/old tshirt.

it says PATCHBUSTERS on it. get it?

<3 BSQV -dec 2 DOWNLOADS: Dec 2 show

ALSO as promised here's a pic of EYELASH MITES!!!! --->>>