Tuesday, February 3, 2009

i'm going to invent more durable glasses chains and test them on old ladies that dance HARD

ladies and germs
my apologies for my absence last week. to make it up to you, i present to you my favourite xkcd strip of all time. hope jou like it. also happy chinese new year.

i'm low on prose this week because i'm having a bit of a quirky anecdote dryspell. plus i got a tumblr recently and now my brain is starting to think exclusively in discrete video/photo posts and accompanying captions. i'm actually losing my capacity to have a complete, flowing train of thought. this may be issuous when it comes time to write up my thesis but we will cross that bridge when we get to it. or alternately, instead of crossing it, we will stop and watch several youtube videos, and post the best of them to my tumblr. god i want an iphone.

Point being, instead of my usual charming, witty banter, here are a series of links to stuff you should look at.

-remember that polar bear conservation roundtable i was telling you about? there's finally been a press release outlining what they talked about. except it's not so much outlining what they talked about as barfing a lot of vague bureaucratic fluff, as is true to the nature of press releases. but i think the gist of it is that the roundtable brought a lot of different bodies together (government, scientists, blah blah) so that they can now collaborate better. which is good.

-a friend of mine showed me this video. ms paint minimalist steez at their finest.

-lauryn hill you are a goddess. not just a goddess, but the original goddess.

-it's an open source documentary about copyright and remix culture and it's centered around the story of Girl Talk. It was amazing. I will be discussing it on the show today. make sure you tune in, i might actually have some keen insights. maybe. o_O

ok that's it for now.


FEB 3 SHOW first half second half (not up yet)
JAN 17 SHOW (not up yet)

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