Tuesday, January 13, 2009

new year's resolution: the POLAR BEAR PROJECT

Listen up Planeteers!!!

As i mentioned during last week's episode, Beaker and Honeydew's new mission for 2009 - and I hope you all join me in this - is to SAVE THE POLAR BEARS!!!

Polar bears have been endangered since 2007 and are among the species that are most adversely affected by global warming.

There's a lot of great climate change sites out there that cover diverse topics and are updated really frequently and reliably so in addition to my usual antics and music-ish babble, I'm going to direct you guys towards interesting or useful articles and anybody who has ideas on how to take action, please comment your ideas to the blog. The most successful undertakings come out of interdisciplinary brainstorming and even small projects can make an impact so everybody please comment. THINK ABOUT THE BEARS. LOOK AT THIS ONE <--- OH GOD IT'S SO CUTE. Since this is the first week of the Polar Bear Project, here's a bit of background.


-There are 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears worldwide, 4,700 of which live in Alaska and spend part of the year in Canada and Russia

-the sea ice the polar bear depends on has been receding

-Northern latitudes are warming twice as rapidly as the rest of the globe, according to a 2004 scientific assessment
-The ice in Canada's western Hudson Bay breaks up 2 1/2 weeks earlier than it did 30 years ago, giving polar bears there less time to hunt and build up fat reserves that sustain them for eight months before hunting resumes
-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officials have concluded that polar bears could be endangered within 45 years.

Ok kids, let's get to it.




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